Angebote, Neuigkeiten und Termine


Endlich haben unsere neue NITROX NRC Membrananlage! Somit ist kein manuelles, sondern perfektes Mischverhältnis für NITROX garantiert. Es geht um das wichtigste „das was wir einatmen“ deshalb, sollte man daran nicht sparen!

ANGEBOTE: Bucht jetzt eure Tauchsafari mit uns, wir haben tolle Angebote für alle Nordrouten im Programm.


Die NORD-WRACK ROUTE startet! Unsere SIMSIM DIVE hat heute den Hafen der neuen Marina in Hurghada verlassen. Wir wünschen allen Teilnehmern einen angenehmen Aufenthalt an Bord und viele schöne Unterwassermomente.


Die Nord Route in Verging mit DAHAB wird immer beliebter – immer mehr Interessenten fragen danach und WIR bieten diese Traum-Route an. Informiert Euch über diesen Routenverlauf und schreibt uns einfach eine E-Mail.

 ANGEBOTE Auch im neuen Jahr 2019 erwarten Euch unschlagbare tolle Angebote – mit unserer SIMSIM DIVE.


Unsere SIMSIM DIVE kommt vom Trockendock, wir haben sie noch schöner für Euch gestaltet – bis bald an Bord, wir freuen uns auf ein Wiedersehen und Kennenlernen!

we add here all news related to safari ,diving,Hurghada news and sea activities new and our news always accurate and updated

Since more than 22 years we are active in the tourism industry.

We have been collecting experience for many years through our offered daily trips. Therefore, we are expanding our offer with dive trips and diving-safaris.

For many tourists the motivation to visit Egypt are diving and snorkeling with dolphins in the open water. That´s also the reason why so many people come to Hurghada, El Gouna and Makadi Bay annually.

We are a German – Egyptian family business based in Hurghada and we make a point of taking care of our guests personally. We welcome you in a family atmosphere on board

The wellness of our guests is very important to us. We don´t only want to communicate the egyptian hospitality. We also enjoy to be with other people.

we add here all  related to safari ,diving,Hurghada  and sea activities new and our  always accurate and updated

Since more than 22 years we are active in the tourism industry.

We have been collecting experience for many years through our offered daily trips. Therefore, we are expanding our offer with dive trips and diving-safaris.

The wellness of our guests is very important to us. We don´t only want to communicate the egyptian hospitality. We also enjoy to be with other people. In that way our guests receive thereby permanent advice and ad-hoc support. Yes, the guest is king on our boat.
